Annunciation hormone
‘relaxin’ what’s relaxing when
relaxin’ll reconfigure your bones
by unbinding all your sinews
throughout pregnancy never the same
rebinding never the same again
child’s play to this
blue sky sky blue ripping
birther of nothing
I will pick up my sword
the one I gave away
Mother Francis
I swear by my chromosomes
I’ll be a decent brother xx
A Working Breakfast
Lydia’s tiger worms cohabit in relative silence:
nibbing, narrowing, rubbing, coalescing,
vermilion wormbodies, sometimes lone,
cohabit in peelings; tiger worms, unsleeping,
liquid wormets of hopes and tappings.
Kitchen digested to garden, horsemen redressed in a kilim,
worms’ undreamt audience dispensing endless blue-sky, endless
lavender, Iraqi figurative endless piece of birds –
The sea is warm, the earth is warm, the air bites its own tail,
n’a rien à dire, starts the infinite, applies day as a finish,
summer as a farmer’s dream – two peacocks fly away,
flying back multiplied –
friend, friend in relative silence,
every each day best
bring up the girl without pink
says princess daddy
eat rhoticity chicken
resist transgressive dickery
Vahni Anthony Ezekiel Capildeo FRSL is a Trinidadian Scottish writer of poetry and non-fiction. Capildeo's eight books and nine pamphlets include Like a Tree Walking (Carcanet, 2021) and The Dusty Angel (Oystercatcher, 2021).
Profession' has previosuly been anthologized in print in Grandes in Casa, in English and Spanish